Friday, March 27, 2009

UF Road Trip to Baltimore!

UPDATE: Here's the latest. Thanks to those of you who have emailed already. I am extending the deadline to let me know you if want in to MONDAY AT NOON. Send an email to unprofessionalfoul [at] gmail [dot] com. I'm also happy to report that more of the UF crew are now on board. We are looking at me, Ian, Sven, Lingering Bursitis (probably), Bigus, the NY Kid, ΓΌ75, the Likely Lad, Moonshine Mike and E-Town Hooligan all being in attendance. So c'mon, it'll be a fun time! (in Baltimore! with anonymous bloggers!)

Okay, I threatened to do this and have managed to not change my mind....

So, I'm happy to announce that not only will I be going to Baltimore on July 24 to see Chelsea take on AC Milan, but I'll organize the purchase of a block of tickets. So far Moonshine Mike is in, Ian is a maybe .... and the rest are unlikely. But that just means more fun for us.

Here's what you need to do if want in: Send an email to unprofessionalfoul [at] gmail [dot] com no later than FRIDAY NIGHT. Most importantly, tell me how many tickets you want. I'll then set up a paypal account and handle distributing tickets. I know, you are taking a slight risk here, but you know where to find me. Email if you have any questions. And I'll see you in Baltimore.


The NY Kid said...

I'm warning you all - it's known as Bodymore, Murderland for a reason.

EbullientFatalist said...

None of that NYK! I've always enjoyed the Charm City. Well, Towson. I mean, College Park.

Whatever, Maryland is small. Everything's close.

Kopper said...

I went to college in Baltimore. Loved it. Not sure if it's there anymore, but in the mid 90's, there was a sports bar close to Camden Yards called "Balls." I always got a kick out of that....

Mike said...

As a Bmore native, I'm stoked to see the stadium being used for some big games. I always thought it would do well as a football town. Too bad LFC doesn't go on these US tours!

jjf3 said...

can you guys keep this post on the front page?

Count me in for 1 guaranteed (I'll pay whether I can make it or not), but I'd like to see if I can get someone to join me before Friday night...I've got a few friends I'm trying to get to go to games like this, but I'm not sure I can convince them for a supposed "exhibition" game...

I just don't want to forget that you need a final answer Friday night...


Spectator said...

Ha, for you, jjf3, I'll keep the post on the first page and post reminders.

I forgot to mention that we've got a line on group rate. I'll have a better idea of logistics once I know how many tickets we're looking at.

jjf3 said...

Which tix you looking at? I'm willing to go pretty high on the price scale, but also realize that's not normally practical for "group" sales...

BackBergtt said...

I'm absolutely in.

Spectator said...

@jjf3: Yeah not exactly sure yet... probably not the most expensive but also not the nosebleeds. Kinda depends on what's available in the group sales.

@Georger: Awesome!

Nathaniel said...

I'll be there, as well.

Sending an email later this afternoon.

Are we allowed to bring wives/girlfriends/both? Or is this a sausagefest (no insult to Sarah if she comes)?

MoonshineMike said...

I think we're heading in from over the mountains, and we'll have women AND children. which means we'll have to keep the NY Kid at bay...

Jacob said...

The more the merrier, Nathaniel.

Spectator said...

What umlaut said... the more the merrier. In fact, the more people come the easier it'll be to get a block of tix.

E-town Hooligan said...

no need to keep anybody at bay. my woman and children can handle it ... or they wouldn't be mine! sorta sad it's chelski, but better than nothin.

The NY Kid said...

Bodymore, I said!

EbullientFatalist said...

Wish I could make it, but I'm in Charleston (the cool one, not the coal one) that whole week. However, I will be looking to get to Atlanta for Ay-See Meeeelan, if any UFer is going to that game . . .

Unknown said...

I too will be unable to attend. I will actually be in the Baltimore area a few days before, making it even more frustrating.

@Andrew: What day is that game in Atlanta?

jjf3 said...

1) Thanks for bumping it up.
2) If, for some bar-involved reason you don't hear from me (via the email address) tomorrow night, I'm buying 1 ticket minimum. More than that is still up for discussion. But I'm good for 1 ticket regardless of anything else...if I can get someone else involved, I'll let you know tomorrow night...

/the joy of being a fan with friends who think "soc-cer?" is still funny...

Spectator said...

@jjf3: Sounds great!

And everyone else... send me an email if you want to go. More UF'ers are on board, so it should be a fun time for all and for all a good night!

EbullientFatalist said...

@GG: July 22. I'll most probably have a contingent with me, but nothing is certain yet. As Spec says, the more the merrier.

Jacob said...

See, I'm giving up the idea of going to ATL (2 hours away) to go to B'more (8+ hours) simply because I have no desire to see Club America in anything.

Unless I hit the lottery, then I will see you there.

The Likely Lad said...

the likely lad will be there. spurs strip and all. prepare your insults.

EbullientFatalist said...

Well shit if B'more is the meet-up, I may just have to make that trip.

@Spec: will there be any opportunity to pick up extra tix in the block down the road?

Spectator said...

@Andrew: It all depends on whether I am willing to risk being stuck with extra tix! I don't want to commit anybody else, but it looks like we are starting to get slightly more of a critical mass from the UF crew.

If people need more time to make the commitment, I might extend the deadline to Saturday. Still waiting to hear from some of the regulars who said they were going to the game (got jjf3 and Georger down though).

Spectator said...

Might extend deadline to Monday, I meant. Days starting to blur together.

Bigus Dickus said...

Bigus is.....IN.

EbullientFatalist said...

@Spec: Thanks for the extension. I should have an answer by tomorrow.

Sarah said...

I'm still on the fence. Really want to go, but I have no idea what I'll be doing job-wise over the summer, not to mention traveling has left a large dent in my money resources. And Baltimore is scary.

Sarah said...


Ah what the hey, I'm in.

Anonymous said...

send me a postcard <3

Spectator said...

You're on!

BackBergtt said...

Email sent. I'm pretty pumped. It's the Friday before the PA bar exam so I'll be looking to blow some steam off. And by steam, I don't mean dudes.

jjf3 said...

Umlaut, I don't know if I've ever heard a less compelling argument in my life... :)

BackBergtt said...

I swear I just saw Peter Crouch in the front row at the UNC game.