Tuesday, February 3, 2009

And With Freddie Ljungberg's Injury Problems He'll Soon Be Starting

Is everyone in the Seattle area either a coder or a barista (well, everyone whose not a smack addict)?

The Seattle Sounders finished their federally mandated "Sounders Super Search" competition over the weekend—you know, the PR building exercise where the local team gives a spot to an average schmoe. And the winner was a 20-year-old guy who works at an espresso stand.

Even better, he was born in Brazil, which already makes him better than Denilson.

His name is Vinicius Oliveira. From a pool that had been reduced to 10 men, he and Junior Garcia—really, I'm starting to think this whole competition never happened and the information is simply the result of some stereotype Mad Lib—faced off in a 1-on-1 battle royale to the death.

Service for the vanquished will be held Thursday at Memorial Gardens. The family requests instead of flowers that donations be made to... Okay, there was no actual death involved. Garcia even outscored Oliveira 5-3 but apparently there were other criteria involved in the final decision. So Garcia gets to go back to his job at Boeing (I assume).

After winning Oliveira told local television "I'm ready for this." How did he know? "God told me I'm ready for this."

What a coincidence, God told me to blog about it. But he also told me you'll likely spend all season on the bench.

Viva! Sea-Tac (Warning, mp3 link).