Tuesday, April 14, 2009

CL Open Thread

No Gerrard.

That's the biggest news of the day, if there is such a thing as most of the drama remaining is in tomorrow's two tilts. But we're theorizing this means Rafa is kind of tossing in the towel on the CL and saving Stevie for a run at the Prem. Makes Essien's day easier.

The line-ups:

Liverpool: XI: Reina, Aurelio, Arbeloa, Skrtel, Carra, Kuyt, Lucas, Alonso, Mascherano, Benayoun, Torres
Subs: Cavalieri, Dossena, Hyypia, Agger, Riera, Babel, Ngog.

Chelsea: XI: Cech, Ivanovic, Alex, Carvalho, Ashley Cole, Essien, Ballack, Lampard, Kalou, Malouda, Drogba.
Subs: To be announced.

Really, the site I pulled the Chelsea line-ups from does indeed have it TBA.

As for the other match, does it really matter? If Bayern Munich comes back to win that tie, I will eat a shoe.

Chime in as history (Istanbul) probably doesn't repeat itself.


BackBergtt said...

It's not like Agger can score. Especially against Chelsea. In the Champions League.

What's that?

Ugh. Do not get this side selection at all. Three holding players?

Precious Roy said...

Kind of agree with the no getting it...

You need goals (you also need to stop Chelsea from scoring, but a clean sheet does you nothing unless you also net 3).

So play Kuyt, Torres, and Babel.

Jim Hendry said...

I believe it's from the "madman" end of the Genius/Madman scale.

Maybe Alonso will play forward a bit and spray passes into the ether. Perhaps Lucas and Mascherano will tackle the life out of the midfield and give the Super Jew a chance to shine.

And maybe I'll sprout wings and proclaim myself to be bigger than Jesus.

Anonymous said...

It's zany.

Rich Forsyth said...

Liverpool 4-2 (5-5 win on aggragate away goals). Goals for Torres x2, Benayoun and Kuyt. Lampard and Drogba for Chelsea. Time to imbibe. YNWA

Anonymous said...

Chelsea XI + Subs:

Cech, Ivanovic, Alex, Carvalho, Ashley Cole, Kalou, Ballack, Essien, Lampard, Malouda, Drogba.

Subs: Hilario, Di Santo, Mikel, Deco, Belletti, Anelka, Mancienne.

BackBergtt said...

It took me a week to convince myself they would pull this off, even with Gerrard on the bench. But never in a million years did I think Lucas would play. Why not put Alonso and Mascherano in the middle with Kuyt/Yossi/Riera behind Torres?

If Rafa is playing for the win, this lineup makes no sense. I had worked myself up into a whole 'for wrath, for ruin, for the red dawn' mood over this game and now I feel like Yossi on Christmas morning.

Precious Roy said...

What were Bolton playing with they scored 3 in 9 minutes?

Maybe Rafa just Xeroxed that formation and fit players to it.

Anonymous said...

Georger: your point is totally valid. It's a crazy lineup, but as with most of his tinkering, I must foolishly assume he has a plan.

I'll counter with this: we won a CL with Kewell, Djimi Traore, Hamann and Smicer in the side.

While an LFC aggregate win is highly unlikely, I wouldn't rule it out.

Anonymous said...

PR: Bolton had the mighty Kevin Davies, who's had a surprisingly good season.

ps. I have no clue if he played at the weekend. Pure guessing, as it can't have been that useless Swede Elmander doing all the scoring.

Magnakai Haaskivi said...

FWIW, Tim Vickery says Lucas is really good in training.

BackBergtt said...

Are you badmouthing the Kaiser? BLASPHEMY!

Anonymous said...

The thought of Dossena coming on to score a decisive goal makes me laugh.

Anonymous said...

I'm just saying, Mike. We've won an awful lot more with an awful lot less.

BackBergtt said...

Oh yeah I know, like I said before they scored two there last year with a worse team (though I did say that thinking Gerrard was playing or on the bench).

I was confident this morning, I'm just a bit less confident now.

Precious Roy said...

I'd say that 'Lucas' is Liverpudlian for 'Denilson' but our faux-Brazilian is markedly better than your faux-Brazilian.

Magnakai Haaskivi said...

It's worth mentioning that earlier this season, without either Torres OR Gerrard, Liverpool did manage to beat both Manchester United at Anfield and Chelsea at Stamford Bridge.

The Fan's Attic said...

So, I'm assuming this means Liverpool wins 4-0 right? 4 or more goals have been scored in 5 of the last 6 LFC games.

come on you Reds!!!!

Anonymous said...

And understandably so! Damn Lucas. The home win over Man U was without Gerrard and Torres.

I am just glad that either way, we'll glean something positive, no matter what happens.

A CL day without serious heart palpitations. Que sera sera...

Anonymous said...

TFA: Fuck yeah!

More stats: LFC have scored 3 or more away from home on SIX occasions this season. Get the fuck in.

Magnakai: absolutely. Factoids like that point to the absolute unpredictability of it all. Can't wait to see what happens. If we grab a goal early, squeaky bum time for the Blues. Maybe.

Teeknuts said...

I'm gonna be honest, I'm not really looking foreward to this game. I still have hope, but yeah, not that excited

Anonymous said...

Also, no Clichy, Djourou, Almunia or Gallas for the Villareal 2nd leg tomorrow.

Likely Silvestre in there.

Magnakai Haaskivi said...

I'm kind of with Teeknuts.

WhiteSpeedReceiver said...

I was looking forward to watching this one after work tonight. Now? Not so much.

Anonymous said...

Alan Green on BBC 5 Live: "This is still a far better Liverpool team than the one that played in the Istanbul final. Rafa has picked a team to match up with Chelsea's."

Whatever that means.

The Likely Lad said...

hey corinne! ... ahh nevermind.

for the record, it took 37 seconds (really) for them to use talismanic in reference to gerrard. shame he's not playing, as i have a bottle of whiskey and a great idea for a drinking game.

BackBergtt said...

If this game gets interesting I'm going to be throwing Lord of the Rings references out like mad, just a forewarning.

Anonymous said...

Meh, I'm still excited simply because it's midweek European football. As a Red with low, low expectations, I am still excited to see what happens, however anti-climactic it might turn out to be.

Anonymous said...

Likely Lad: it's a bit like saying that Pete Doherty is talismanic in your bedroom, innit?

Magnakai Haaskivi said...

Will you be referring to Carragher or Hyppia as "Last of the Ents"?

Teeknuts said...

@LB Oh definitely, I love being able to watch any kind of football that's not on my computer. Hell, I watched Chelsea-Olympiakos last year, and that sucked

Anonymous said...

That's the spirit, TFA! Istanbul, Part Deux!

Or FA Cup Final v. West Ham, Part Deux!

The Fan's Attic said...

maybe there's a Passover miracle in this game.

Come on Reds, send Chelsea into a economic meltdown!!!

Magnakai Haaskivi said...

Maybe Michael Essien will shadow Gerrard into the stands.

Anonymous said...

Dirk Kuyt hat-trick, plus Yossi brace. Nothing would be more improbable and more amazing.

Teeknuts said...

I'm blatantly ripping off the Guardian minute by minute here, but that ref's funky cold

Unknown said...

damn I get back from campus early to watch and you guys already have 30 some odd comments. Well done. I'm pulling for the Reds in this one. Interesting stuff on the line-ups, by the way.

Anonymous said...

@Teeknuts: I bet he goes by Cantalejo, sadly.

Anonymous said...


The NY Kid said...

watching this reminds me that I will be livid if FSC don't get an HD feed in time for their takeover

The Fan's Attic said...

let's just get a really early goal to make this interesting.

Come on Reds, rip those blues heads off and piss down their tracheas!!!

Teeknuts said...

Why did the score box change from ESPN's to UEFA's?

The Fan's Attic said...

ESPN didn't put in a competitive bid for it.

Magnakai Haaskivi said...

It should be mentioned that, when this awesome comeback is made into a movie, John Cusack should be playing John Terry.

Teeknuts said...

Remind me again why the hell Cech was goalkeeper of the year last year

The NY Kid said...

I blame Platini

Anonymous said...

12-13 mins gone and no goals? Game over.


Anonymous said...

So close! Sweep the leg! More of the same!

Magnakai Haaskivi said...

Incidentally, Barca haven't scored on Bayern yet. They must be slipping.

Anonymous said...


How does one go out and play 90 mins with a 4-0 aggregate lead? Do you try to score more? Or do you pass it around for 90 mins a la Germany/Austria in WC 74?

Unknown said...


The NY Kid said...

what a traveshamockery of goalkeeping

Magnakai Haaskivi said...

@ LB: If you're Bayern, you score seven more. Just in case.

Teeknuts said...

Club goalkeeper of the year there ladies and gents

Anonymous said...

Here it comes, folks....

Magnakai Haaskivi said...

So we need one every thirty five now.

Anonymous said...

i would let aurelio do anything to me right now

Magnakai Haaskivi said...

That was an awful backpass. Did he learn that from Bruno Alves?

Magnakai Haaskivi said...

Was it Aurelio or Arbeloa? I always mix them up...

Teeknuts said...

Traveling Kop is strong tonight

Anonymous said...

Everyone appropriately excited again? Game on. CFC are looking ragged!

Unknown said...

oh shit, we're in for a good one now.

Magnakai Haaskivi said...

So, um...one goal in sixty minutes we can manage, right?

Anonymous said...


Teeknuts said...

Alright, we need to regain some composure after that one

The Fan's Attic said...

well, we still need to defend.

The Likely Lad said...

liverpool players better not even look at chelski players in the box... this ref is dying to even up

Anonymous said...

TLL: it was a fair call both times. C'mon now.


WhiteSpeedReceiver said...

Maybe I will be watching this one tonight after all.

Magnakai Haaskivi said...

@ TLL - Ivanovic grabbed Alonso and threw him down. What part of that was legal?

Magnakai Haaskivi said...

Don't worry, Chelsea fans. Anelka's warming up.

Teeknuts said...

It's Le Sulk time

Magnakai Haaskivi said...

So what's Chelsea's plan now? To get two strikers who can't play together to play together?

Bigus Dickus said...

Right about now Roman starts to bite his nails...No really.

Anonymous said...

Bye Bye 4-3-3 of a team in glory, hello 4-4-2 of a team in need.

Teeknuts said...

We need to stop with the fouls

Anonymous said...

c0rrine: would you settle for Dossena doing anything to you? The other guys are preoccupied right now.

Teeknuts said...

I've heard the Doss has magic fingers...

Magnakai Haaskivi said...

@ LB-Gerrard's not busy...

The Fan's Attic said...

Bayern up 3-0....

made you look.

Teeknuts said...

I'm sorry, that's not a fucking yellow card

Magnakai Haaskivi said...

Alright, I'm out. I've gotta ship some shit out UPS and WorldShip eats up my RAM. I'm finishing this one later; hope the next fifty minutes is as good as the first forty. Or something.

The Likely Lad said...

@both you.. im not saying the call was wrong, im just saying referees naturally look to even out the calls. and thus, the pudlians should be wary.

corinne: ahhh, forget it...

Kopper said...

Tommy Smyth is pulling for Liverpool, no doubt about it.

The NY Kid said...

and Worldship eats up my RAM

How are you enjoying working with Windows 95?

Anonymous said...

The goals thus far:

Aurelio - http://www.101greatgoals.com/videodisplay/2368579/

Alonso - http://www.101greatgoals.com/videodisplay/2368596/

Teeknuts said...

Almost a perfect half. We can do it, come on!

The Likely Lad said...

oh, so now gerrard is only "inspirational?"

The Fan's Attic said...

You know what time it is?

It's halftime.

But after that, it's Kuyt-time.

The Fan's Attic said...

The only better time that Kuyt-time?

Business time.

Now where are my business socks?

BackBergtt said...

My laptop is in my car and my blackberry is being gay, so I'm internetless during the game.

If everyone I wanted to sell after last week scores, this thing is in the bag.

My roommate is watching with me, he's not a soccer fan, but he just asked 'why haven't they taken out that goalie?' WHY INDEED

BackBergtt said...

Oh and by the way ...

The Horn of Helm Hammerhand shall sound in the deep ... ONE LAST TIME!

Teeknuts said...

I love these Dunkin doughnuts commercials...Save your kids from television by feeding them doughnuts, yeah that sounds great

Email us at said...

Soccernet gem of the day:

"45' Some of the Chelsea fans booed their side off. Nu-football arriviste morons"


Teeknuts said...

2nd half is going about the same as the first thus far

The Likely Lad said...

"this ball should have been kept out of the net"

really? really tommy smyth??? that's a new standard right there. dick.

that goal = meaningless (for the neutral) 'pool still need goal. and now that goal makes it more exciting.

Teeknuts said...

I've really forgotten how much I really hate Drogba

The Likely Lad said...

@kopper corinne?

Teeknuts said...

Munich pull one back, THE COMEBACK IS ON

The Fan's Attic said...

well that wasn't pleasant.

Come on Reds, it's Kuyt-time!!!

YNBA (artist formerly known as Herringbone) said...

Own goals in the Champions League...against Chelsea...

Sonofa...two years in a row...

Kopper said...

@Likely Lad... haha... I think that honor goes to Xabi today.

Teeknuts said...

Ha ha, dumb Chelsea fans

The NY Kid said...

what a strike from Alex!

The Likely Lad said...

lucas the brave!

Anonymous said...

oh well

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Enjoy the semis, Chelsea, where Barca await. It was fun while it lasted!

Unknown said...

liverpool need to start creating real chances. their goals have been somewhat fortuitous thus far.

amazing free kick from alex. wow.

Teeknuts said...

God damn, that was a pretty kick, I can't complain if that's the one we lose to

Anonymous said...

Would be nice to get the oggie back, but shit, we were dead in the water before kick-off.

Teeknuts said...

Ballack should have done a lot better than that, wasted it

Unknown said...

does anyone else think ballack is way overrated? or is this old news now?

Teeknuts said...

Agger for Carra. I know Rafa won't do it, but its what I want to see

Ben said...

just tuned in. has masch had a bad game? why pull him instead of lucas?

Teeknuts said...

Yeesh, Arby was looking for trouble with that tackle

Unknown said...

@LE: err, I dunno, I can never figure out Rafa's plan. Yours would be the sensible sub, I would think.

Unknown said...

game over.

on a side note, I know they aren't very similar players, but I'd take Xabi over Ballack any day.

Unknown said...

(and despite that last sequence)

BackBergtt said...

Horrible HORRIBLE effort this half, but that second goal was NEVER a free kick. Refs decided this one in the intermission.

Anonymous said...


Teeknuts said...

Was Lamps showing his fisting technique there with his celebration?

Anonymous said...

At least the days of 1-0 aggregate wins between LFC and Chelsea are over. Two of the more entertaining games I can remember between the two.

BackBergtt said...

I'm sure EPLtalk will still say this game was boring and we should have gotten the Barcelona game instead.

My criticism for Rafa on this one is taking Masche off instead of Lucas. Horrendous decision. His allegiance to Lucas is truly baffling when he refuses to give Agger and Babel a chance to prove themselves.

Email us at said...

Georger, are you writing the soccernet liveblog?

"'78: "Eazeh, eazeh" chant the arriviste moron Chelsea fans. That is not a football chant, they've clearly been watching too much Gladiators."

Teeknuts said...

@Georger: To make the same joke I made at the beginning, the ref was definitely not funky cold

Unknown said...

perhaps this will help Liverpool's attempt at the League?

EbullientFatalist said...

My heartfelt condolences. . .

machine gooner funk said...

poor showing from torres tonight

EbullientFatalist said...

Well, this is an interesting development.

The NY Kid said...

this is silly

BackBergtt said...

If I knew what 'arriviste' meant, sure.

God I hope for Arsenal and United to fail tomorrow, so that there is no English team in the final.

The Likely Lad said...

hey georger, i was the one to originally advocate, in this space, for barca-bayern in place of these drab affairs. clearly, i should be taken seriously in the future.

EbullientFatalist said...

Is 'Pool attempting a SFB Redux?

machine gooner funk said...

why isnt babel playing? i mean i like him as a player he has serious potential and he always plays well against the gunners

Unknown said...

@machine: agreed.

BackBergtt said...


If everyone I wanted to sell after last week scores, this thing is in the bag.

EbullientFatalist said...


Precious Roy said...

This is officially ridiculous.

EbullientFatalist said...

I wonder what Corrine would let Kuyt do to her?

Unknown said...

excepting any effort by Sporting, this has to be some of the worst defence seen in the champs league?

Ben said...

this is batshit crazy

EbullientFatalist said...

This is like watching two really talented U11 squads. No one is interested in defending. You must score to defend!

machine gooner funk said...

finally babel

Teeknuts said...

God damn it.

EbullientFatalist said...

Rafa has both N'Gog AND Babel on simultaneously? This is not your father's Rafa.

And Lampard decides it. For now.

Precious Roy said...

I totally predicted a 4-4.

The Likely Lad said...

cech is mentally retarded. no offense to the mentally retarded.

BackBergtt said...

Barca is going to sodomize this team, I can't wait.

EbullientFatalist said...

Are you fucking kidding me? Cech is looking like he did in last years Euros.

Teeknuts said...

My god, there are really no words to describe this game. Considering where we were when the game began, I'm not even angry, this was fun!

BackBergtt said...

This could be the second best game in Champions League history.

Teeknuts said...

Here's the question, how much money does Roman spend to keep Hiddink at Chelsea?

YNBA (artist formerly known as Herringbone) said...

How much extra time?

EbullientFatalist said...

What is that adage about the ridiculous and the sublime?

BackBergtt said...

Three cards and six goals in a half = three minutes of added time. It's as if United are ahead in a game. One of the worst officiated games I've seen in years.

YNBA (artist formerly known as Herringbone) said...

3 minutes? WTF?

BackBergtt said...

Sometimes you look at Liverpool and have to wonder how the hell they made it this far. When your best offensive strategy is to have Jamie Carragher bring the ball forward down the left and chip it forward thirty yards in the direction of no one in particular, that’s troublesome."


I almost want United to win so Arsenal can get embarrassed by an English side.

BackBergtt said...

that was supposed to be a quote

Precious Roy said...

I totally thought that at 4-3 Pool was going to pull it off.

BackBergtt said...

Well it was a hell of an effort. Barca will put in ten if Chelsea play like this, god willing.

Teeknuts said...

How sad do those flags look? Fuck Chelsea fans. Yeah, maybe I am a little bitter. Congrats Chelsea, you're gonna get skullfucked. Good luck at Barca.

Definitely proud of how the team played, they didn't leave anything behind. They should be proud.

machine gooner funk said...

hey man. most of the gunner were rooting for the scouse to knock out spartak.

Precious Roy said...



YNBA (artist formerly known as Herringbone) said...

Was the true form of "Diveba" present in today's game?

It wouldnt surprise me.

EbullientFatalist said...

If Chelsea beat Barca, evil will have triumphed.

phil said...

As an American, and a Spurs fan, allow me a hearty "go get f*cked" to machine gooner funk.

The Likely Lad said...

nice day without gooner interference, i agree.

@georger.. yes, messi could score 12-13 goals. if im a chelski guy, i legit want cudicini (or whatever chode they have sitting there) over cecherhead

phil said...

TLL, if you're ever in Chicago, shoot me an e-mail. PR has me address.

machine gooner funk said...

@phil: uh what exactly did i say to warrant that? i simply remarked that the game was exciting, end to end action with a lot of scoring. so why should i fuck off now?

phil said...

Because one, you seem to assume that American fans can't accept that as an exciting game, despite the [paucity of TV availability here; second, because you are a gooner and I have to take my shots where i can get them LOL.

machine gooner funk said...

@phil: dude i'm american too and most of my friends think i'm a nut for watching football as much and as fervently as i do. they've been giving me shit for years about it and "how they don't get it" or "it just isn't interesting" and a game like the one today on a nat'l tv broadcast would go along way to making inroads in this country

Goat said...

MGF--don't take it too harshly. Phil just wanted to fuck Drogba in the goatass and I wasn't even here to provoke such hostility.

phil said...

well, then MGF, i sympathize with you. For once in our lives, a gooner and a spur share a common fate. Apologies for any offense incurred.

machine gooner funk said...

its all good

Spectator said...

So, did I miss anything?? (heh)

phil said...

Awesome. Really, I hate the way soccer is viewed by American fans, and the way European fans are vetting American fans.

Anonymous said...

holy shit what just happened

i am just so...


Goat said...

I was rooting for the blue team because I like blue but I think the red team played well, too.

Ben said...

@TLL: Hilario's on the bench. Cudicini actually plays for Spurs. So, he's our chode now.